Keep Your Hopes High

by Mallory
(Owen Sound)

Visitors Story:
Since I was the one to end my relationship, it didn't really take much for me to get over it. By the time I finally got up the courage to end it, it had been over in my heart for awhile. Don't get me wrong, I was upset for quite awhile after it ended.

I spent a lot of time on my own at first, not wanting to talk to many people except a select few. After awhile I started to realize that things would get better, and they eventually did. I started talking to a guy I had met online and he turned out to be the greatest thing to ever happen to me.

When I met him, I was already over my past relationship. I think what helped me to get over it was the thought that I would meet him someday, even though I didn't know who he was at the time.

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Jan 02, 2010
Think Positive
by: Anonymous

That was a good idea to think positive about you'll meet someone great one day. And that's big part of the picture. Always think positive, if you can vision it, it can happen. What was also a plus was you got over the other person first before you continued on.

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