He Proposed to me at my Sister's Wedding?

by Natalie
(Portland, OR)

Visitors Question:
My boyfriend of almost 2 years proposed to me at my sister's wedding reception. He discussed this with my sister and brother-in-law ahead of time to make sure it was cool with them. Well he asked me, and I felt like he put me on the hot seat. I did not want to say no, so I said yes because I did not want to ruin the excitement and happiness of my sister's special day.

But, here we are over 2 months later, my boyfriend (fiance) is asking me, well nagging me to help him pick a date, but I don't think I want to be engaged to him...at least not for another year. I love him, I really do. But, I am scared because I already gotten married once in my life, and that person practically scarred me for life. WHAT should I do?

How do I decide if he is right for me or not? We have a lot in common, and a lot of fun together. I do trust him, but I think I still do not trust him to the point I need to, in order to have a good marriage with him.

Well Natalie I think you and your fiance should have a long talk about what's on your mind. Tell him exactly what's bother you and don't leave anything out. Tell him how you feel about him for starters.

Tell him about your last marriage that scarred you and explain to him why there isn't much trust on your behalf. Don't waste to much time on this. Do it ASAP. The longer you wait, things will escalate to levels that you probable don't want at this time.

I hope I've answered your question. Remember, be straight and to the point.

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Mar 04, 2012
here is a suggestion
by: Anonymous

you should be very honest to him and tell him how you feel about it it is very important you do not wiat good luck!

Jan 02, 2010
Why do people do what they do?
by: Walt

Why do people get involved with other people and they aren't fully healed from their past? You shouldn't get involved with someone else till you really feel that the issue you have is somewhat out of your system.

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