Approaching a Guy

by Mallory
(Owen Sound)

What is the best way for a girl to approach a guy if she is interested in him? What do they like and dislike about this?

Weeeeell Mallory, everyone has their own style so I doubt if there is a best way. Now you know what men go through. I understand it's not easy to just walk up to a perfect stranger and start a conversation and won't know what you're gonna get.

You do what is comfortable for you. Women have their way of getting a mans attention. Then when you get that attention, it's all up to you. What's wrong with just saying something simple like hello. I'm sorry to say Mallory that this is going to take a little practice on your behalf.

Some men like it and some don't. I for one love a woman to approach me because that's 50% of the game for me. Then I'll know at least she's interested. Some men don't like it because they're wired that their supposed to make the first move and they feel that if she's aggressive like that with me then she's like that with everyone else.

But I beg to differ with that. Just because she has that animal attraction for one man doesn't mean that she'll have the same for another.

So don't worry, some men will like it and some won't.

I hope I've answered your question. Take care and all the best.

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Dec 06, 2009
Get With The Times
by: Anonymous

Get with the times Mallory. If women wanted that job with that high paying mans salary, I'm sure they'd open their mouths then, lol. Great answer Clay

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